Platform on hotelmanagement, interiordesign and design in the Netherlands
The future is in the Cloud
VSA works with hotels of all shapes and sizes, ranging from smaller boutique hotels with just a few workstations to large hotels with as many as a hundred or more workstations.

The future lies in the Cloud

At a time when technology and digitalisation are playing a growing role, the importance of having a good IT environment within hotels is growing. It is important for hotel managers and hoteliers to be aware of the possibilities and benefits it offers. HOTELVAK spoke to Herman Roelofs, Microsoft 365 specialist at VSA, about the future of hotel IT.

VSA 1933HR
'Our customers experience the migration as a smooth process.'

For more than 25 years, VSA has been ensuring that IT solutions provide hotels with optimal support. The team works on site and from the service desk in Assen 24/7 for hotel staff and guests. As a result, hotels can always be helped quickly and efficiently. As a Microsoft 365 specialist, Herman has successfully completed many migration projects in recent years. "I have been with VSA for 3.5 years now and bring with me 10 years of experience in ICT. I have done various projects, ranging from helpdesk to project consultancy. Now I mainly work as an executive project manager and specialise in Microsoft 365 projects. Here, the focus is on making it easier to work in the cloud and migrate systems to Microsoft 365. Here, it is essential that we offer clarity upfront about what the customer can expect and how we continue to support the customer after delivery. Thanks to this approach, we get a lot of positive feedback and customers experience the migration as a smooth process."

Working in the cloud

A key development in hotel IT is the shift to working in the cloud using Microsoft 365. "Microsoft Teams is becoming increasingly popular and offers numerous possibilities for hotels. In addition to e-mail and file storage, hotels can, for example, support work processes, transfers and rosters with Microsoft 365. The big advantage is that employees can then collaborate on files simultaneously."

231109 Heman Roelofs
As an executive project manager, Herman Roelofs specialises in Microsoft 365 projects.

The move to the cloud can still seem quite exciting for some hotels, but according to Herman, more and more hotels are experiencing the benefits. "In terms of switching to Microsoft Teams, we see a two-track trend in hotels. Fifty per cent of hotels are eager to get started, while the other 50 per cent are somewhat reluctant. Especially the fear of no longer having data on their own servers plays a role in this. But with the right explanation and by creating awareness, openings arise to start the conversation about the cloud. We also notice that the new generation of hotel managers, who have grown up with it, expect that this technology is already there."

VSA works with hotels of all shapes and sizes, ranging from smaller boutique hotels with just a few workstations to large hotels with a hundred or more workstations. "We offer a wide range of migration processes, working with the customer to see which solutions best suit their needs and requirements. This can involve complete trajectories, including templates for communication and handouts so that everyone is well informed. Our aim is for hotels to experience as little disruption as possible during the migration."

Real-time collaboration

In addition to a migration to Microsoft 365, VSA also sees other wants and needs among hotels in terms of IT. For example, there is a strong demand for real-time collaboration and simplicity. "With Microsoft Teams, hotels can work simultaneously in one file and file working is also increasingly well received." For hotels, cost saving is always a key issue. Whether switching to the cloud is more cost-effective depends on the specific situation. "Because of the monthly subscription form, it can be financially attractive, but sometimes a combination of a server and cloud solutions can also be interesting."

Using a customised IT environment with Microsoft 365 as a key player offers hotels the opportunity to work more efficiently, collaborate in real-time and save costs. Although some hotels are reluctant, it is important to embrace the possibilities and benefits of a well-functioning IT environment. The technology is there and can be a powerful tool to take the hotel to the next level.  

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