Good lighting is essential for any room, even though it may not be immediately noticeable. Light not only provides better visibility, but also a pleasant atmosphere. Which is exactly what you want in a hotel. Leo van Aken, account manager LED and lighting controls at Klemko Techniek B.V., explains why light is so important.
Hotels come in all shapes and sizes but they have one thing in common: they use light to create the right atmosphere. "There are countless ways you can play with light," Van Aken explains. "Think about colour temperature, shadows and dimming lighting, for example. It's a bit short-sighted to say 'the warmer the colour temperature, the cozier', but there are practical rules of thumb to give."
For instance, dimmed light is often seen as more atmospheric and bright light as more practical. You cannot use the same luminaires and light sources everywhere because each light has a different function. "Think of the kitchen, for example," says Van Aken. "There you use bright and even light. The whole room has to be well lit when you are working. In the restaurant itself, of course, you don't use that kind of light. There, you want to create a homely atmosphere with smaller, warmer lamps."
Klemko Techniek B.V. illuminates hotels from head to toe. There is no light source the company can't handle. The Lumiko Modular series covers all techniques. "It is a very universal system," Van Aken explains. "The basis of the lighting is simple, but we work with a wide range of spotlights, luminaires and dimming systems. The choice is vast: from an almost invisible trimless housing to striking with trendy matt black. For every mood, we have the right lighting."